Introducing Hickory Dickory Dock – Nursery Rhyme Printables!
Nursery rhymes have always been a part of my classroom curriculum. They are key to helping children develop so many skills – rhyming, fluency, vocabulary. While teaching kindergarten nursery rhymes often took a back seat to other directed curriculum or were a hodgepodge of what I could find. Since moving to pre-k I have been able to make Nursery Rhymes a more focused part of our curriculum. Because I believe strongly that predictable patterns allow children to focus on the actual learning I have designed a pattern for teaching Nursery Rhymes in my classroom.
Here’s what works for me
We focus on one Nursery Rhyme for two weeks. At the onset of a new Nursery Rhyme I send home the Nursery Rhyme Retell Pieces Note introducing our new Nursery Rhyme to families. I don’t make this part of my homework. It’s one way I engage my families without adding stressful requirements. It also informs families which version or how much of the Nursery Rhyme we are learning.
I use the Nursery Rhyme Readers, Counting Objects and Fill in the Missing Number Pages as morning work. But like everything on Milton & Prescott they can absolutely be adapted to individual needs.
During bathroom breaks, and those unavoidable transitions that require waiting I show a youtube video that goes along with our focus Nursery Rhyme. My students and I enjoy Little Baby Bum and they have most of the Nursery Rhymes I use in class.
I’m shareing our Hickory Dickory Dock – Nursery Rhyme Printables first for a very scientific reason…. its our next focus nursery rhyme in my pre-k class. Took a lot of thought didn’t it. I use every printable I post on Milton & Prescott or have used it. There are a few pieces specifically for kindergarten that I no longer use on a daily baisis because I’m in pre-k but I have used them all at some point. For that reason I post what’s up and coming in our classroom first. Keeping it simple.
If you are enjoying these free printables please leave us a comment. We enjoy hearing from you!
Hickory Dickory Dock – Retell Pieces and Note
Hickory Dickory Dock – Student Readers
Hickory Dickory Dock – Count the Clocks