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Daily Archives: June 8, 2017

This Summer: Colors & Numbers

What do most educators do with their summers?

We catch up on some personal time, family needs and projects that have been pushed to the back burner throughout the school year. Then in the moments in between we begin the planning process for the school year looming on the horizon.

I have three main goals this summer.

1. Finish unpacking!

Downsizing from one home to a transitional home while I wait to build has been a crazy adventure! I have stuff spread out between two cities, multiple buildings and rooms. The simple act of finding a pair of shoes is a daily expedition.

2. Publish more of the printables I have been working on for you and my students!

Amazingly enough working on these pieces is relaxing yet at the same time invigorating. I love teaching and making things for my students and now I have a platform to share those things with others.

3. Scour through my Pintrest board and finally bring some of those awesome ideas to life!

No educator ever truly does it alone. We all use and share and borrow and rework and refine each other’s ideas until they fit perfectly into our own classrooms. There are thousands upon thousands of ideas on my classroom board alone. Some I have really studied and know will work and others are there because the picture caught my eye. I’m looking forward to uncovering gems in all those pins. I’ll keep you posted on my progress as well as what worked and what didn’t or how I would do it differently to better fit my students.

There you have it, my summer in a nutshell. But it doesn’t include life happening around it. Like summer camp and Vacation Bible School and days spent with my wonderful and amazing nieces.

For now I’ll leave you with this update….
Check out the new Colors page. There are already Color Sorts for each color as well as Color Review Pages uploaded there.
Look for our Math page coming soon. The first uploads will be focus number activities including Find the Number and Focus Number Pages. Both I use for morning work but can be used for homework or center work as well.
